媒體宣教 Can Be Fun For Anyone



As is correct from the Actual physical overall body, so it's with the spiritual Entire body; when a person member of the human body suffers, all associates endure with it. Not a person Christian can suffer persecution without the complete Physique hurting also.

假先知和敌基督兴起(“神迹奇事”惑众) → 中东和约的订立和撕毁 → 敌基督自我神化亵渎圣殿 → 宗教政治军事经济合一的邪恶强权 → 大灾难(含攻击以色列的中东战争、宗教战争、世界大战、哈米吉多頓) → 耶稣再临和审判


One more gift to the Church was evangelists. These men fervently heralded the Gospel. They have been Guys of humility, burdened for that misplaced. The pastor is informed to complete the perform of the evangelist (II Tim. 4:five). The day on the evangelist just isn't above, and won't be till Christ relates to reign on the earth.

If a sinning brother will not likely decide himself, then he has to be judged with the regional church. I Corinthians 5:11, 12 claims “I've written unto you not to maintain business, if any person that is called a brother become a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or even a railer, or perhaps a drunkard, or an extortioner; with these an a single no to not eat. For what have I to try and do to judge them also that happen to be devoid of?



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第一次君士坦丁堡公會議修訂了尼西亞信經,完成了關於聖靈是神而非受造物、教會、洗禮、復活、復活後的生命,其中定義教會為:「一個神聖、完全、被差遣的教會」(希臘語:Ἁγίαν, Καθολικὴν καὶ Ἀποστολικὴν Ἐκκλησίαν)。

do not ye decide them which are within just?” Sure, fellowship within the neighborhood church need to be withheld within the erring brother as judgment. Some term this “back again-door revival.” This Serious judgment need to be meted out only following the effort to revive him. “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a very fault, ye that happen to be spiritual, restore such an 1 while in the spirit of meekness: Thinking of 媒體宣教 thyself, lest thou even be tempted” (Gal. 6:1).

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